Don't find L.O.V.E bcoz L.O.V.E will come by itself...
Don't force anybody to L.O.V.E you bcoz he won't L.O.V.E you without his L.O.V.E

Thursday, April 2, 2009


arini ak bosan gler...bosan yg mcmane yer? bosan yg melampau r..besides that ak gak enggak sihat dong...fening kefale n mcm nk demam jek....uhuuu......arini ak x g kelas pd n kelas im... maaf ye pm pon ak bangun lewat gler... ak bgn lewa pon sbb ak mimpi indah... tp sume nyer terbantut ble osmate ak, ika ketuk pintu katenye kawan ak kt luar naek kete.. hurm.. pastu trus ak tepon riena ckp ak x g kelas pd.. hurm...kacau daun tol la..da ilang mimpi indah ak tue...pastu ak sambg tido balik..hurm..mimpi ak trus xindah..menyampah tol... biar la ak jek yg taw...hukhukhuk....ak ingat nk bgn study im tp siyes ckp,..ak tut..tut... tiada dlm perkhidmatan..huhuh...xleh ckp..bahye...hikhikhik... skrg nie waktu ak ngah update blog nie..ak sedang study im...ak nk wat yg terbaik utk test 2 im nie...hurm..entah bleh ke idak ke teman xtau le...yg penting teman study... wish me luck ye kwn2...da....

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