Don't find L.O.V.E bcoz L.O.V.E will come by itself...
Don't force anybody to L.O.V.E you bcoz he won't L.O.V.E you without his L.O.V.E

Monday, November 2, 2009

global? gosh....

hurm rini nyer exam mmg cam tah pape... i can't do it well... ak blur jap waktu tgk soklan td... ak tertanye2 soklan mane ak nk wat nih...byk yg ak xtau dr tau nih...huhu...da tu kne jwb 4 dr 6 soklan.. hurm...yg ak leh n cnfident jwb cme 1 soklan jek...hurmm....lg 3? gosh.. dun wanna 2 say coz i cant make it lorr... yg mane ak tau je ak wat... ak lbh fokus kn kt chpter dpan2.... sume gara2 ak skip bce chapter last la nie.. hish... sgt2 tertekan... 1st time ak skip chapter utk final n this wut happen to me... for sure i wont do that again.. no more skip2 chapter...
td chatting dgn eric kt fb.. dia tnye mcmane paper rini.. ak jwb la susah.. ak ckp ak xbce 2 chapter last tue..pastu dia ckp " wey..itu chpter feymes tue".. pulak dah.. mane la ak tau... past sem Q pon ak xtgk apetah lg nk tau.. huhu...ak amat menyesali perbuatan ku ini.. hurm...rugi2...
td ak budget2 result yg mgkin ak dpt...sket but if dtambah dgn carrymark ( 43/50) harap2 ak lulus...harap2 dpt B+... xnk B-... mau jatuh teruk pointer ak nnti.. xnak naggis2 lg...huhu.. ak takut sgt... mudah2 an ak lulus... huuu.... kawan2 doakan ak lulus ea... thanks..
** font color warna kuning sbb td exam paper warna kuning.. hurm.. xske...

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