Don't find L.O.V.E bcoz L.O.V.E will come by itself...
Don't force anybody to L.O.V.E you bcoz he won't L.O.V.E you without his L.O.V.E

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Ngidam lah....

alahai....sedap nyer kalo disaat2 sebegini aku dpat mkn chocolate marshmalllow cheese cake. eager to eat lah... tetiba ak ngidam nk mkn cheese cake dr secret resipe.

if dulu, aku nk g kajang jek which kne naek ktm dr stesen shah alam then kne tukar tren kt KL sentral. adalah menjadi kewajipan utk ak beli kek nie. mmg terasa nikmat. lg2 waktu dia masih sejuk... pergh.. cair dalam mulut beb... ak dlu mmg xbpe minat sgt cheese cake nie. xkena dgn taste n jiwa raga bagai tp ble pas kawan ak @ riena yg giler2 cheese ni perkenal kt ak trus ak jatuh cinta kt cheese cake. dulu if dating2 wajib ak mkn cheese cake ni if not pon ak mkn chocalate indulgence. haa.... ni pon faveret ak gak ni... hari2 mkn kek pon xpe, mmg xkan muak... nyummy2...

haa... ni pic ak waktu dating kt KL sentral. kan dah kate td, adalah menjadi kewajipan ak utk membeli cake if berada d KL sentral. waktu ni siyes ak menikmati keindahan...kelazatan...keMARVELLOUSan cheese cake ni... siyes xtipu.. nnti leh try... but to advice u, depands on ur fav flavour k.. i love chocolate da most.. best kalo dpt mkn harini... huuu... esok sure beli! xske la ngidam lame2.. hahahahha

p/s: if korg nk tgk varieties of secret recipe's cake, korg leh click kt link nie... (ni yg utk cake choclate je tau..nk tau leh browse kt page tu..)

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